Kioicho Ladies Clinic logo Kioicho Ladies Clinic entrance photo map

Orito Clinic @Yurakucho-Ginza-Hibiya Area

formerly Kioicho Ladies Clinic

Gynecological and Obstetrical Clnic @Chiyoda City, Tokyo

directly connected to the Exit C9 of Ginza Station (Marunouchi Line)

The only doctor is fluent in English.
We provide medical services partially covered under the Japanese health insurance system. While we try to do our best in seeing foreign patients, please understand that you have to agree to comply with the Japanese health insurance system.
If you are a temporary resident or a traveler and do not possess a Japanese health insurance card, we can do almost anything you wish.
Please understand that the staff (clerk, nurse, and technician) is not fluent. When you inquire by phone, there is a limit. We may ask you to inquire again via SMS or email.
July 1, 2024: Even if you have a valid Japanese hokensho (health insurance card), not all the medical services will be covered (usually 70%). For example, pregnancy matters.
When the clinic is very crowded, we may ask you not to be accompanied by your partner at the waiting room.


  • May, 2022: We moved to a new location. Kioicho Ladies Clinic was renamed Orito Clinic
  • Details of Consultation


    Gynecology and Obstetrics. See below for the details.

    Reception Hours (effective from September, 2024)

      Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
    Morning Consultation
    10:30-13:00 10:30-13:00 10:30-13:00 closed 10:30-13:00 10:30-13:00 closed
    Afternoon Consultation
    15:30-19:30 15:30-19:30 15:30-19:30 closed 15:30-19:30 15:30-17:00 closed
    We are closed on Thursday, Sunday, and the Japanese National Holidays.
    On weekdays (Mon., Tue., Wed., and Fri.), you must make an appointment if you wish to visit between 19:00 and 19:30.
    If there is no patients waiting after 19:00, we may close early.
    We sometimes close temporarily.
    Please check the consultation calendar below.

    Consultation Schedule (Closure Days)

    calendar February, 2025
    Temporary closures (all day): Feb. 25 and 26
    Closed in the morning: Feb. 5
    Closed in the afternoon: none
    Closes at 17:00: on the 19th and 21st as well as Saturdays Japanese national holidays:
    Feb. 11 and 24

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    Payment Method

    Payment method for consultation fees applicable for partial coverage under the Japanese health insurance system (保険診療; hoken shinryo):
    1. cash
    2. if you do not have cash, you can choose to pay by PayPay, Alipay, or HIVEX
    2. you can also pay by credit card (VISA or Master)
    The receipt is in Japanese. If you need an English receipt, we will calculate as the medical services not covered under the Japanese health insurance system.

    We NEVER issue a document in English for the purpose of reimbursement of your payment (usually 30% of the total fee) by your private health insurance. If you need to be reimbursed by Chapka, for example, the medical services must NOT be covered at all under the Japanese health insurance system.

    The official language in Japan is Japanese and the small amount that you pay does not include a document in English for this purpose. If this untolerable demand is repeated, we will not see foreign patients as a medical service under the Japanese health insurance system.

    Payment method for consultation fees applicable for partial coverage under the Japanese health insurance system (自由診療; jiyu shinryo):
    1. cash
    2. credit card for any amount

    The bilingual receipt of Japanese and English will be issued.

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    How to Go (The New Location Since June, 2022)

    directly connected to the Exit C9 of Ginza Station (Marunouchi Line)
    close to Yurakucho Station (Chuo (central) Exit, JR Yamanote Line)
    close to Yurakucho Station (Yurakucho Line): D8 Exit (stairs); D7 exit (elevator); 5 minutes
    map in English
    map in Japanese

    Building: Ginza Inz 1 (one)
    Floor: Basement
    Address: 0 (zero) Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006
    Address in Japanese:
     銀座インズ1 地階(地下1階)

    When you search for Ginza Inz 1 in the internet, the address
    “Chuo-ku Ginza-Nishi 3 chome 1 banchi saki”
    “中央区  銀座西   3丁目    1番地先”
    will be listed, but this Ginza-Nishi address also refers to the same location.

    This building is on the border of Chiyoda-ku and Chuo-ku.

    Please wash hands before you enter the clinic. The restroom is behind the entrance. Please take off shoes after you enter the clinic. Please wear the slippers.

    Old Address:
    3-29 Kioicho
    Kioi Royal Heights #204
    Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0094
    旧住所:〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町3-29 紀尾井ロイヤルハイツ204
    Orito Clinic logo ←Click to return to the top

    How to Contact and Visit

    Please let us know as well:

  • your nationality (to know your mother language)
  • if you have a hokensho (Japanese health insurance card)
  • the type of consultation

  • Please understand that as the clinic is located in Japan, where the official language is Japanese, our clerk is not fluent in English.
    You can visit without an appointment, but we prioritize the patients with an appointment.
    When we are crowded, we may not be able to call you to the consultation room within the time frame of your appointment.

    You can inquire and make an appointment by the following methods:

    1. sending a short message to 080-4380-6789 (old number was 070-2636-8927); we try to reply within one consultation days.
    2. sending an e-mail to oritoclinic‹at› (.to refers to Tonga); please replace ‹at› with "@"; we try to reply within two consultation days. Please make sure that your email server (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) does NOT reject our email address with .to domain. (TONGA DOMAIN)
    3. call us at 03-6666-5505; please understand that there is a limit to the English skill of our clerks.
    4. オンライン予約システム利用は日本語ができる方に限ります。また、注意事項をお読み下さい。登録氏名と保険証記載の氏名に相違がある場合、保険外診療になります。

    Our Medical Services (detailed)


    Fees and Tests

    -Consultation Fee/ 25,000 - 33,000 yen; depends on how long the consultation takes place; +5,500 yen in the evening (from 6:00 pm) and on Saturday
    -Transvaginal ultrasonography (echography): fibroid; adenomyosis; ovarian cysts; follicles/ 15,400 yen
    - Pap smear (cervical cancer screening test)/ 5,500 yen
    - HPV test: selected/ 8,800 yen
    - vaginal fluid tests: bacteria, yeast/ candida, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, etc./ 5,500- yen
    - urine tests: pregnancy test; urinary tract infection/ cystitis screening
    - blood tests: hormones/ 15,400 yen
    - blood tests: infectious diseases: HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis/ 9,900yen
    -Tumor Markers:CA125, CA19-9, SCC
    - other blood tests such as Herpes

    In Japan, surgeons see the breast cancer. At this clinic, we decline to be consulted about the breast cancer. We can provide information about the clinic with ultrasound on breast and thyroid cancers at Akasaka, where there is an English speaking doctor.

    The above fees are for patients not holding a valid Japanese health insurance card.

    We can not do advanced tests on infertility.


  • birth control pills
  • emergency contraceptive pill
  • , etc.
  • We do not prescribe ovulation stimulants such as clomifene citrate.
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    We perform abortion procedures up to 11 weeks of pregnancy.

    Please click this link to jump to the page on abortion procedure.

    OBSTETRICS (Prenatal Checkups)

    With transvaginal ultrasound, we can see the gestational sac from 5 weeks of pregnancy. You can accompany anyone including your husband, partner, family members to the consultation room.
    The fee during early pregnancy is around 15,000-20,000 yen.

    We observe the fetal heartbeat from mid-6 weeks of pregnancy. After observing the fetal heartbeat, you go to nearby health center (保健所) or ward/ minicipal office (区役所・市役所). You will receive a MCH (maternal and child health) Handbook (母子健康手帳) and coupons.

    We accept the coupons for the residents of Tokyo.
    We offer prenatal checkups until 34 weeks of pregnancy.
    We do not have a facility for delivery. From around 34 weeks, you visit the hospital where you will deliver.

    Prenatal checkups under the semiopen system

    Nowadays, there are hospitals which make a contract with clinics under the so-called semi-open system.



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